Sunday, June 29, 2014


OK, guys. I know that people look at this blog. I ALWAYS ask for comments at the end. Since nobody is commenting, I have to cancel this blog. This is your last chance. Comment on this post and I will keep this website running. If you don't, I'm afraid it's Goodbye, Gravity Falls Surprises.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Stan's Tattoo, What Does It Mean?

Hi Guys! Happy Memorial Day!

Today's topic is Stan's tattoo. This picture is from the Dipper's guide shorts.This is one of the secrets that is commonly gone over in the fan base. Stan's tattoo is obviously some type of symbol

Danger- Spoiler Alert Upcoming!!!!!

We saw in the finale of the last episode, Gideon Rises, that Stan was opening a portal. His tattoo was on the side of this machine!What does this mean? Well, now we know that Stan's tattoo is very important. Unfortunately, Season 2 has not come out yet, so no secrets have been revealed. By the way, I heard news that Season 2 comes out is the summer of 2014, this summer!!!! Comment on what you think of this post and/or what will be in Season 2!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bigfoot. (Nothing more to say.)

I know how hard it is to wait for a post, sorry for the late one!
  Today our discussion topic is Bigfoot, and theories surrounding this picture seen below.
Have you seen this in the theme song? Many mysteries float around this picture, and multiple fan theories. The most popular? Bigfoot. I believe that theory is most likely true. Do you see the little tassel on the back of his head? That spikes another theory. He is a member of the secret society that Stan is in. Stan always wears this fez, with a tassel on the end, remember? His wearing of that hat makes some fans believe that Bigfoot IS Stan. Another theory is that Soos is Bigfoot. The "proof" of this is found in the sea monster episode, when Soos acts like Bigfoot and makes the same stance as in the picture. All of these could be true, but there is really no hard evidence. Another interesting theory is that he is wearing the fez because he is a member of the secret society who escaped. Comment below and tell me what you think about this mystery picture!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

To Start With Backstory

       To start out, I would like to explain the basic story of Gravity Falls, and then we will get to the good secrets.

        In this picture, we see a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Dipper. Ever since the end of the end of episode one, he wears a hat with a pine tree. Makes sense, since he is part of the Pines family. Next to him is perky Mabel, his sister. She is insanely crazy and silly, and is seemingly always on a sugar-high. She always wears a sweater with some sort of picture on it, never plain.

         This show is based in Gravity Falls, Oregon, where Dipper and Mabel are sent for their summer by their parents. They would stay with their Grunkle Stan at his Mystery Shack, with his employees Soos and Wendy. When they get there, Dipper discovers the real secrets of Gravity Falls, and it's many mysteries.
         So that is the basic layout of Gravity Falls. Now we get to the secrets. So, in episode one, Mabel falls in love with a group of gnomes, disguised as a teenager. Dipper finds Book 3, and thinks that the gnomes are a zombie. They attack Mabel when she declines a marriage request. Are there any secrets in this? Well, maybe, but some other, extremely important things happen.
One- It sets the stage for the other mysteries in this adventure show.
Two- It captures the personalities of Dipper and Mabel.
Three- Dipper discovers Book 3, which will change the course of everyone who they meet's lives.
        Now, more about Book 3 in the future.Let's see the secrets. Remember the page about zombies?
That will be our guide for a character you meet later in the series.