Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bigfoot. (Nothing more to say.)

I know how hard it is to wait for a post, sorry for the late one!
  Today our discussion topic is Bigfoot, and theories surrounding this picture seen below.
Have you seen this in the theme song? Many mysteries float around this picture, and multiple fan theories. The most popular? Bigfoot. I believe that theory is most likely true. Do you see the little tassel on the back of his head? That spikes another theory. He is a member of the secret society that Stan is in. Stan always wears this fez, with a tassel on the end, remember? His wearing of that hat makes some fans believe that Bigfoot IS Stan. Another theory is that Soos is Bigfoot. The "proof" of this is found in the sea monster episode, when Soos acts like Bigfoot and makes the same stance as in the picture. All of these could be true, but there is really no hard evidence. Another interesting theory is that he is wearing the fez because he is a member of the secret society who escaped. Comment below and tell me what you think about this mystery picture!

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