Saturday, February 21, 2015



Spoilers on Northwest Mansion Noir

       That's right! I'm back! After this latest episode of Gravity Falls, Northwest Mansion Noir, I just couldn't stay away. You might be wondering why, seeing as how it was half  a filler episode and half character enhancement, and the answer is simple. The ending. In case you forgot, showed McGucket with the laptop. He was telling us about the apocalypse that is in 23 hours. Dipper says to tell him about it tomorrow, and enjoy himself today. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Well, the next episode's name is "Not What He Seems", the whisper in the title sequence changed to Stan is not what he seems, the page at the end of the credits said Stan is not what he seems three times, and the two Government agents were saying that the portal was in use again, and it was the first episode not to involve Stan or Soos in it. Connect the dots.......

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